Superfoodist: F. Evan

We will continuously be showcasing Superfoodists from around the globe, for what is a Superfood Lifestyle without Superfoodists? We hope everyone can share in the inspiration of the Superfood community and these premier Superfoodists!

F. Evan

Occupation: Actor & Writer

Youth: 29 years

Favorite Superfoods:

Oh wow, there are so many to choose from. I'll often start the day with a high quali
ty Green Powder like Pure-Synergy or Vitamineral Green, Maca, Goji Berries, Hemp Seeds, Raw Chocolate (mmmmm) and some Raw Honey. Blend all those goodies up and Carpe-Diem! Other fav's include Blue-Green Algae and Spirulina (it's effects, not it's taste, yuck).

What effects are Superfoods having on your life?
I used to feel tired throughout the day and unmotivated. It took sometime to realize it was t
he junky food I was eating. I would feel sweaty and lethargic. When I switched over to eating living greens and things instead of potato chips it was revelatory. REVELATORY! I also attribute the cleansing nature of it to eliminating my want for cigarettes. It took sometime but all of a sudden one day the need was gone. Without work. Some people say you put down the cig and pick up the fork. Well if you're eating tons of fresh, earthly goodness then so be it, right?

Personal Heroes:
Jean-Luc Godard, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Thom Yorke.

Favorite places to acquire Superfoods:, Whole Foods, Hopefully my own garden
one day.

Favorite Websites:
All things Google, NY Times.

F. Evan's Websites:
A Deep Cleansing Breath

Favorite Quote:
"I'm not young enough to know everything"
- Oscar Wilde

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