Spotlight: Merlin's Herbal Magic

There are countless "health" supplements & "nutritional" products on the market, but truly powerful, ultimately effective, and consciously created Superfood commodities are few and far between. The first of such products we would like to highlight here in Superfood City is a true gem.. a powerhouse blend of incredible Superfoods and Superherbs that have been meticulously combined to perfection.


The resume on this ingredients label would get Merlin hired at just about any extra dimensional herbal magic mega firm, and consumers of this product have been noted to be ten times more likely to be called to sit at High Council Wizard meetings for freelance consulting work.

Before we give you the rundown of what is contained in this veritable Live Food can of whoop-ass, let's hear what the Wizard himself has to say about what called him to create this magical concoction..


Here we go (Rt = Root):
Maca, Marshmallow Rt, Slippery Elm Bark, Triphala, Ginseng, Nettles, Ashwaganda, Astragalus Rt, Burdock Rt, Dong Quai, Fo-Ti Rt, Kelp Powder, Licorice Rt, Milk Thistle Seed, Pau D' Arco, Sarsparilla, Saw Palmetto Berries, Shizandra Berries, Suma, Wild Yam Rt, Anise Seed, Cinnamon, Ginger, Bilberry Leaf, Catsclaw, Cayenne, Dandelion Rt, Gingko leaf, Gota Kola, Irish Moss, Olive Leaf, Passion Flower Herb, Vanilla Orchid Bean

100% Organic and/or Wildcrafted

This is some for real stuff man. It's effects are noticed immediately as one gets transported into an energetic flux of amazement like never before experienced. With time, one begins to think that perhaps there is more to this whole human potential thing then we were really led to believe.

Since most of the staff here at Superfood City likes to enjoy Merlin's Root's Elixir on a daily basis in our Superfood smoothies, we have settled at a nice half teaspoon dosage a day mixed amongst our other Superfoods. The precautionary note on the label states; "Less is more, go slowly and enjoy!" And it's true, as very little will keep you sustained for a good amount of time. If you are planning an all day hike through the amazon, you may want to up it to a couple teaspoons, and if you don't think you are going to find any food for a few days, you probably wouldn't get hungry (or feel the desire to sleep) if you take a few tablespoons before you venture out into that mysterious land of sorcery. For the everyday nine to fiver, a teaspoon in some warm water with raw honey will do the trick better than coffee could ever hope too - plus, no caffeine!

We may all be Superfoodists, but the intricate herbal knowledge that is required to perfect a blend such as this requires years of study and experimentation. Merlin has succeeded on all fronts and we applaud and Thank him for bringing this truly Magical Elixir into our lives.

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