
Primordial Earth.
The globes elements are engrossed in a violent mash up, frantically attempting
to compose themselves into some kind of dignified whole. Then it happens.. Spark - flicker - LIFE.

Ok, cheezy intro, but the fact is this:

Spirulina is
the original Superfood.
In fact, it is
the original food.

The first photosynthetic life form on the planet, and the very cause of the presence of oxygen in our atmosphere, Spirulina has maintained it's stature as Grand Daddy of Superfoods for 3.5 billion years. Spirulina is our common ancestor, from which all species of plant and animal was allowed to flourish. There is not a human being on this planet that does not share genetic lineage with this beyond incredible ancient wonder.

For a life form to go unchanged for billions of years is the ultimate testament to its power. It has survived all the myriad of strife that this planet has encountered in the course of it's evolution without the need to have it's features altered. It is the ultimate adaptogen, and it imbues it's powers unto all whom may ingest it.

The most studied of all the algae, Spirulina racks it in on all nutritional fronts. Lets take a look:

  • A complete protein with 18 amino acids
  • 65% protein content (compare this with soy at 34%, and meat at 27%)
  • Extremely rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B6, and drum roll... B12! In fact, per 10 grams, it contains 330% the recommended daily intake of this controversial "vegans have nowhere to get B12" vitamin
  • A potent source of the minerals Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Molybdenum, Chloride, Sodium, Potassium, Germanium, & Boron
  • Contains the essential fatty acid GLA
  • Extreme amounts of chlorophyll
  • Massive amounts of antioxidants
This is merely the beginning of where modern science's research has brought us in understanding the complex nutrient content of this ultra powerful whale food. It's effectiveness in fighting 'incurable' conditions is currently being researched with stunning results, as modern medicine slowly and stubbornly fills the gigantic crater in it's understanding of health with longstanding ancient knowledge.

Spirulina not only brought life to this planet, it also has one of the highest potentials of any food source to save the life on this planet.

Whereas most foods require certain conditions to have an effective grow cycle, Spirulina can be farmed and harvested in even the harshest, most unfertile areas of the globe, leaving open profound potential to feed hungry nations and to halt the destruction of precious forests that are currently being abused as an unsustainable food resource. A Spirulina farm requires no soil, just vats of water and sunlight..

A tablespoon a day keeps the doctor...
...asking you for health advice.

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