A Whole Lot More To Learn

Here's a little taste of one of today's leading health authorities, Dr. Brian Clement of the Hippocrates Health Institute..


Long ago, there was an herb that generals gave their armies to make them fierce and tireless during long battles and treks to the battlefield, but once victory had been attained and a village occupied, they were forbidden to indulge in this plant for the sake of the safety of the women in the area. This herb?...

One of the absolute most potent fitness and sexual energy enhancers in the world, Maca root has been consumed for centuries by some of the world's most virile societies.

Maca contains a plethora of nutritional goodness - a complete protein with 18 amino acids, as well as great quantities of such minerals as boron, calcium, iron, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and zinc.

Long studied for it's rejuvenating effects on the human hormonal system, Maca is now recognized by the scientific community to be an incredibly powerful tool in naturally encouraging the glands of the body to produce and properly regulate estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone in their respective necessary quantities in both men and women. This is done without any negative side effects, and can dramatically improve one's sex drive, sperm count in men, and physical endurance.

Did you really think ancient South American cultures achieved their prolific stature eating only corn?

Superfoodist: Chocolate Girl

Certified Holistic Health Counselor, Raw Chocolatier, and Live-r of the Best Life Ever!

Rotations Around
The Sun:

23 in this life

Favorite Superfoods:

All foods made with Love and positive intention, wildcrafted foods that you or me or we have picked, medicinal herbs, cacao, durian, reishi mushroom, goji berries, crystal manna, noni.

What effects are Superfoods having on your life?
Eating Superfoods has affected all areas of my life. Physically, Superfoods give me so much energy that I was able to start a raw chocolate company and health counseling practice while studying at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I am sick so rarely that I have forgotten what it means to "have a cold" and now know what it means to have endle
ss inner fire! I find I need very little sleep and the hours I sleep are very profound and dream filled. My waking hours are spent eating delicious foods that nourish me on every level. Eating Superfoods is not only done with my digestive system - I listen to my intuition and eat the highest quality foods I can find. Giving myself the best foods available is a manifestation of my respect for this body, and for the messages I would like to bring forth in my life. Superfoods are facilitating the fulfilling of my potential - I am more able to do my life's work. I highly recommend Superfoods to all of my clients.

Who are your personal heroes?
David Wolfe, The Mad Cowboy, Neal Barnard, Eric Schlosser, Joshua Rosenthal, Philip McCluskey, Mahatma Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Mother Teresa, Leonaro DaVinci, Marie Curie, George Lucas, Michelangelo, Alex Grey, Naftali Honig, my Mother, anyone who lives with integrity and humility, and who stands for their beliefs and takes care of their bodies, communities, and the planet.

Where are your favorite places to acquire Superfoods?

Anywhere in nature - the woods, city parks (I live in NYC and we can find a plethora of superfoods including burdock, dandelion, and gingko biloba growing free!!!)

Favorite Websites:

Chocolate Girl's websites:

Favorite Quotes:
I am a professed Quote Lover so please forgive my lack of ability to choose one...

"Speaking the Truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act."
~Eric Blaire (George Orwell)

"Nothing is constant but change."

"You are not morally superior to the traffic jam!"
~Eckhart Tolle

"When I dare to be powerful—to use my strength in the service of my vision—then it becomes less and less important whether or not I am afraid."
~Audre Lorde

"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."
~Thomas Jefferson

"The outward freedom that we shall attain will only be in exact proportion to the inward freedom to which we may have grown at a given moment. And if this is a correct view of freedom, our chief energy must be concentrated on achieving reform from within."

Earth Day

Remember, tomorrow may be Earth day...

But so is everyday!

Keep Celebrating!!!

Happy Holiday!

In celebration of today's holiday, we invite you to visit the following website:


More on this incredible plant in an upcoming post!

Official Superfoodist Shop!

What is a City without commerce? Superfood City has developed a line of AWESOME SUPERFOODIST GEAR for your Superfood Lifestyle! With original artwork by Andrew Dickinson and Poppy Grande, you are sure to be the coolest kid on your Superfood City block with these fresh new threads and bodacious accessories!!! Click on any of this amazing stuff to be magically transported to our magical shop!!!

Superfood City:
Providing you with the Original Superfoodist Gear!!!

Spotlight: Vitamineral Green

Can you eat a huge bowl of Whole Leaf Barley Grass, Whole Leaf Wheat Grass, Nettle Leaf, Shavegrass, Alfalfa Leaf, Dandelion Leaf, Barley Grass, Oat Grass, Burdock Root, Broccoli, Kale, Spinach, Parsley, Carob Pod, Ginger Root, Nopal Cactus, Alma Berry, Spirulina, Chlorella, Icelandic Kelp, & Nova Scotia Dulse?
How bout toping that with an enzyme and probiotic dressing?

Hmm... Sounds really healthy, but what the hell would your taste buds have to say about this? Some might rejoice, but for the majority we have:

Leading the way in green powders, Vitamineral Green is amongst the highest quality nutritional products available today.

Many say that micro-grinding plants into a powder allows a greater surface area of the cells to be exposed and thus immediate and no fuss absorption by the digestive system can occur. All the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and chlorophyll head straight to the blood. Thats some gooood *&^% man!

Dr. Jameth Sheriden (N.D.) has spent years perfecting this blend, containing everything listed above in an easy to ingest powdered form that mixes brilliantly with smoothies and juices. Two Tablespoons a day amounts to more green nutrition than many receive in a week or a month. This does not negate the necessity of fresh leafy greens, but it does serve as an incredible adjunct to one's daily green intake, and if one refuses to eat an abundance of leaves, than a powder like Vitamineral Green is absolutely essential to excellent health.

Recipe: Cacao Swamp

Our Mayor, Poppy Grande, has been drinking this Smoothie (or slight variations of it) nearly every day for the past five years, and many believe it is in part what accounts for his telepathic, telekinetic, and teleportation abilities. You will just have to find out for yourself what awesome powers it can endow you with.
Beginners Beware: the intensity of this smoothie is no joke, and Poppy Grande did not become the Mayor of Superfood City overnight! Please see the smoothie suggestion in the Goji Berry post for a more relaxed introduction to blended delights.

4 Tablespoons of Goji Berries
2 Tablespoons of Mulberries
2 Tablespoons of Hemp Seeds
1 Tablespoon of Chia Seeds
1 Tablespoon of Poppy Seeds
1 Tablespoon of Cacao Nibs
1 Tablespoon of Coconut Oil
1 Tablespoon of Raw Honey
1 Tablespoon of Bee Pollen
1 Tablespoon of Crystal Manna
1 Tablespoon of Spirulina (or your favorite Green Powder)
1 Teaspoon of Cacao Powder

1 Teaspoon of Mesquite
1/2 Teaspoon of Maca
1/2 Teaspoon of Merlin's Herbal Magic
1/2 Teaspoon of Cayenne
1 Pinch of Himalayan Pink Salt

Fill blender with water, coconut water, or your favorite liquid to about 1/2 inch or an inch above the ingredients and blend to even consistency. Amount of liquid may be varied to desired thickness. Cayenne (or anything) may be omitted based on personal tolerance. All unfamiliar ingredients will be upcoming features!

Drink, smile, enjoy, and welcome to the wonderful world of Poppy Grande & the Superfood City Council of Immortals!

Poppy Seeds

The poppy seed is as nutritious as it is sensually satisfying, and we hope that the 1,209,337 daily readers of Superfood City (numbers based on fantasized estimates) will help our little blue friend flourish in a way that actualizes her full potential.

Yes, our little BLUE friend.. poppy seeds are blue! Many have only seen them in their blackened charred state falling off the back of the ever popular yet nutritionally devoid circular hardened dough structure that profuse droves call breakfast, but in their natural state poppy seeds exude a brilliant blue hue marvelous to behold. Not only does this blue color make them a sight to see, it endows them with all those wonderful and rare blue-food antioxidants that have made the blueberry such a well known classic.

Along with these unconventional antioxidants, poppy seeds contain a rich amino acid profile and protein content, and are high in calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. They also contain an opulent fatty acid content, making them a wonderful brain food.

Speaking of opulent, poppy contains alkaloids that have made it a popular choice throughout the ages for it's ability to become opium. Though we do not recommend the use of this substance without extensive research, absolute respect, pure intent, and professional shamanic guidance, nor in any altered form from how it is naturally found in the poppy plant, we do recommend consuming the raw poppy seed daily for the mental clarity and delightful sense of well being that can be brought about by the high nutrient profile and trace amounts of opiates remaining after harvesting.

From ancient Greece, to the Middle East, to China, and to their currently most widely produced areas Canada and Holland, the poppy has been enjoyed by nearly every culture around the globe for it's delicious flavor, health enhancing qualities, medicinal applications, and in some cases, consciousness altering spiritual significance.

Poppy are seeds of few words, and must be consumed raw to be appreciated to their fullest. We invite and implore you get your hands on some and see for yourself what a delicious addition to your life they can be.

Superfoodist: Bramble - 27 y/o Dog!

We came across this amazing story and had to share it!
All text is quoted from the September 2002 issue of

SOMERSET (UK) — Remember 1977? I think I spent most of the year waiting in line to see Star Wars. Meanwhile, a two-year-old Collie was narrowly escaping a disastrous flood at a shelter in West Wales. That dog, "Bramble", not only lived to see the release of Star Wars but is still around to see the 4th sequel Attack of the Clones (that is, if she can handle another dose of that Jar Jar Binks character).

According to the Sunday Telegraph, Bramble, living in Bridgewater, Somerset, has just celebrated her 27th birthday, possibly making her Britain's oldest living dog and a contender for the oldest dog in the world.

Luck of the Dog

How exactly does a pooch live to be 189 (in dog years)? Anne Heritage, 43, describes how Bramble survived at least one near-death-experience right at the outset in February 1977:

"The day after we brought her home, the [New Quay rescue centre] kennels flooded and the other dogs drowned," says Ms. Heritage.

"So she's been incredibly lucky."

No Bones About It

Aside from luck, Bramble's secret to longevity is a vegetarian diet. Ms. Heritage is a vegan and has brought up her pooch on the same diet regime she herself follows (although Bramble does wear a fur coat—but don't go pouring buckets of red paint on her for that little violation).

"She has a big bowl of rice, lentils and organic vegetables every evening," says Ms. Heritage.

Hairball in the Pool

In addition to healthy eating, exercise is a must. Last year while recovering from a back injury which doctors said could have paralyzed her, Bramble began taking swimming lessons at a canine hydrotherapy pool in Stolford. She now enjoys a weekly dip every Friday for half an hour.

Says Ms. Heritage: "She's an inspiration and just goes to show that if you do eat the right things and keep on exercising, you can extend your life."

Wheat Grass

Some Superfoods never go out of style - Wheat Grass is one of those things everyone has heard of, has smelled, and perhaps has been revolted by at one time or another.

There is a lot more going on in this humble little sprout then even it's biggest advocates may be aware of.

Wheat Grass has a 70% chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll is the most nourishing, refreshing, and revitalizing nutrient for our blood. It is an essential part of life, keeping not only the human body alkaline, but the entire Earth in a state of perpetual refreshment. It is essentially the blood of plants, and has only a single molecule's difference fro
m human hemoglobin.

The vitamin factor of Wheat Grass is no mystery. Rich in A, C, B's, E, and K, this has long been one of the reasonings of devout health food folk since the movement began with the long hairs back in the day.

Where we are at with the current research concerning the health benefits of Wheat Grass blows any previous information on the subject out of the water..

Minerals are the underlying foundation of all material life on Earth. The greater the abundance of minerals a food has, the more of everything else it is bound to have along with it (vitamins, antioxidants, etc). Different foods are capable of carrying a different amount of the currently discovered 92 minerals on the planet. Some are capable of 20, 30, 40, and stretching into the highest potential foods even 60 - 70. Wheat Grass is unique and amazing as it is capable of manifesting an uptake of all 92 minerals found in this lush world.

Of course, the main thing to consider when wrapping this concept around our minds is that the quality of the location of where the food is grown determines how many minerals will actually be present. Organic produce tends to have a much higher concentration of minerals, as pesticides have been shown to cause critical mineral deficiencies in soils in which they are sprayed. Therefore, whatever is in the soil, will wind up in the plant.

Since Wheat Grass is often sprouted in palates which contain little or no soil, and is usually watered from the tap, it's potential is extremely undermined at your average juice bar where you may bravely attempt shots as other's drinking their sugary yogurt beverages cheer you on.

Applying the latest agricultural technologies to the growth of Wheat Grass is what causes a simple grass to transform into a magical spiritual medicine. The premier agricultural technology to achieve this is called Sea Water Agriculture. Since all substances on Earth lead back to the ocean, it invariably contains all 92 minerals in perfect ratios. By diluting ocean water with fresh water (1 part ocean, 20 parts fresh), one can safely and effectively water their plants in a way that maximizes their mineral uptake potential. Thus 92 mineral Wheat Grass is born, and with it, an experience of reality that the average person consuming an average diet consisting of 14 - 30 minerals could never be privy too.

The next best thing to growing your own Wheat Grass with ocean water is acquiring it from sources that wild craft or organically produce their crops using rainwater. Rainwater allows for a much vaster quantity of minerals to be present than irrigation is capable of.

Wheat Grass can be purchased in powder form should you find the juice to be unbarable, and mixes well with smoothies. Caution: mixing Wheat Grass juice into your smoothies can be potentially disastrous for your taste buds.

If your local juice bar is still your preferred way to go, that's cool too. You are still miles ahead of the game, and the chlorophyll rush is something to behold on it's own.


Superfoodists: The Planeteers!

Sometimes, television shows are amazing.
Case in point: Captain Planet!
One could say this show came before it's time, but more accurately, this show's time is still here.
Today we are going to relive the first episode of this magical and important timepiece, and hopefully inspire the Planeteer in all of us to rise up and fight the good fight. Enjoy...


Primordial Earth.
The globes elements are engrossed in a violent mash up, frantically attempting
to compose themselves into some kind of dignified whole. Then it happens.. Spark - flicker - LIFE.

Ok, cheezy intro, but the fact is this:

Spirulina is
the original Superfood.
In fact, it is
the original food.

The first photosynthetic life form on the planet, and the very cause of the presence of oxygen in our atmosphere, Spirulina has maintained it's stature as Grand Daddy of Superfoods for 3.5 billion years. Spirulina is our common ancestor, from which all species of plant and animal was allowed to flourish. There is not a human being on this planet that does not share genetic lineage with this beyond incredible ancient wonder.

For a life form to go unchanged for billions of years is the ultimate testament to its power. It has survived all the myriad of strife that this planet has encountered in the course of it's evolution without the need to have it's features altered. It is the ultimate adaptogen, and it imbues it's powers unto all whom may ingest it.

The most studied of all the algae, Spirulina racks it in on all nutritional fronts. Lets take a look:

  • A complete protein with 18 amino acids
  • 65% protein content (compare this with soy at 34%, and meat at 27%)
  • Extremely rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B6, and drum roll... B12! In fact, per 10 grams, it contains 330% the recommended daily intake of this controversial "vegans have nowhere to get B12" vitamin
  • A potent source of the minerals Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Molybdenum, Chloride, Sodium, Potassium, Germanium, & Boron
  • Contains the essential fatty acid GLA
  • Extreme amounts of chlorophyll
  • Massive amounts of antioxidants
This is merely the beginning of where modern science's research has brought us in understanding the complex nutrient content of this ultra powerful whale food. It's effectiveness in fighting 'incurable' conditions is currently being researched with stunning results, as modern medicine slowly and stubbornly fills the gigantic crater in it's understanding of health with longstanding ancient knowledge.

Spirulina not only brought life to this planet, it also has one of the highest potentials of any food source to save the life on this planet.

Whereas most foods require certain conditions to have an effective grow cycle, Spirulina can be farmed and harvested in even the harshest, most unfertile areas of the globe, leaving open profound potential to feed hungry nations and to halt the destruction of precious forests that are currently being abused as an unsustainable food resource. A Spirulina farm requires no soil, just vats of water and sunlight..

A tablespoon a day keeps the doctor...
...asking you for health advice.

Superfoodist: Twinkel Star

Twinkel Star
Rotations around the sun:
22 - Yellow Overtone Seed

Favorite Superfoods:
MSM!!! Camu Camu, Cacao, Suma, Barley Grass, Wheatgrass, Chlorella, Coconut Oil, Hemp Oil, Flax.

What effects are Superfoods having on your life?
I went raw about 3 years ago, and have been mostly raw ever since. When I started, I only had a few supers, like Chlorella & Spirulina, Maca & Gojis. Now I run Hunab Ku, we stock most of the superfoods, so we have
them more. I have definitely noticed a change for the better. Especialy since Cacao started being more widely available. I think there has been a general shift of consciousness in the community, raw and not, towards a more happy, positive and awakened outlook on things.

Personally, I have found that my levels of physical fitness, flexibility and stamina have increased. It has become easier to travel on a raw diet by a long way! I can now just fill a bottle with my supergreens mixture and it will sustain me all day, despite the possibility of only being able to find some lettuce to eat...
Overall, the superfoods have helped me have the best reality ever!!

Who are your personal heroes?
Kathleen Harrison. She is not a raw fooder, but a shamaness in training as she would probably say.
She has visited a Mexican tribe in the mountains once a year for the past nine years, on a very long and slow apprenticeship. They teach her about sacred plants and herbal medicine. Her love and respect for the plants, their environment and the peoples who teach her is so inspiring. Hearing her speak of plants and foods as entities in their own right, to be loved and respected just like us, is like superfood for my soul. I grow, use, and love plant medicines and foods and so to hear others speak of them in the same way is beautiful.

Other than Kat, I love David Wolfe, with his ever lasting best day ever, and my beautiful star sister Super Goji Girl...
The most gorgeous Tonya Kay, we are both raw fooders, fyre spinners, stilt walkers and dancers!

Where are your favorite places to acquire Superfoods?
Oohh, is it wrong to say 'me'? Hunab Ku stocks any superfood I could want! I get my wheat grass from the Green Seed co, based in brighton, the most magickally charged grass on the planet; and for special chocolate, I go to my husband (who I think makes the best). The Raw Chocolate Company Raw Living & Total Raw Food.

Favorite Websites:
Raw Gaia - The best *and only* totally natural, chemical free, handmade, vegan and RAW cosmetic company ever!
Tonya Kay - Check out Tonya's amazing website, for more info on the most incredible raw superhero.
Funky Raw - Rob and Co's UK raw shop, festival and magazine...
Give it to me Raw - Beautiful Raw community!
Pleebles - Magic!

Twinkle Star's Webstes:
Hunab Ku is my online Portal for the Immortal, stocking everything from superfoods to visionary art, healing herbs to hand blended incenses... and lots in between!

The Superhero Metamorphosis Team & I are running the UK David Wolfe retreat this year, along with a one day talk and raw workshops leading up to it!

My personal site f
eatures my performing, modeling and dance works. It also has my blog, my portfolio and CV. You can also find out where and when I will be performing, teaching or speaking!

My profiles:
Give It To Me Raw

Favorite Quote:
"Every Man and Every Woman is a Star."
- Aleister Crowley.


She's a beauty ain't she? The mesquite tree of Southwest North America has been an intricate part of the cultures of the region since time memorial.

"So you mean it's not just a potato chip flavor?"

Well, seeing as how mesquite is quite common throughout Texas, it has been used by those folks as an ingredient in BBQ sauce for some time, though that portion of it's history comprises a mere eye blink compared to all of it's wonderfully rich service through the ages.

Our enlightened predecessors who inhabited the region where mesquite grows wild found a use for every single part of the tree, leading the Pima natives to call it their Tree of Life.

Traditionally, the most edible portion of
the mesquite tree, it's pod's, were harvested and mashed into a fine powder. This tradition has carried itself on through to the present day, and it's mild to medium sweetness makes it the perfect addition to dessert recipes as well as a nice counter flavor to savory dishes. It's flavor is akin to that of molasses and graham cracker, and the properties in the pods have been noted to regulate blood sugar levels making it a wonderful sweetener of those with sugar sensitivities.

Mesquite is protein rich (11-17 percent by weight) and contains many minerals including calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, and iron.

The Superfood classification has been debated when it comes to mesquite, but the majority here at Superfood City would indeed place it amongst some of the greatest foods around. The level ground that can be attained amongst all debaters is that it makes a great sidekick to the more powerful Superfoods, and combining it with Cacao & Maca (both upcoming features) makes it a force to be reckoned with.


Superfood Hip Hop!

Many of us know the various food sources where we can acquire Omega 3 Fatty Acids, but did you know they can be ingested sonically as well?

Omega 3, the world's premier Superfoodist Hip Hop crew, hails from Los Angeles as some of the quirkiest, most original Hip Hop on the planet.

The group's three members (hence Omega 3) are inspired by a vast complex of Super Hero Musicians, Superfoodists, Superfoods, and the Absurd. Their diversity of individual inspirations blends together masterfully and their en devours to date fall nothing short of incredible.

These three Superfoodists are true musicians, transcending the realm of Hip Hop to create a sound that is completely their own.

Verb Spitta (a classically trained opera singer and techno-production superstar), MC Wide Load (a classically trained artist, trumpeter, and dance off champion), and Rawd (a classically trained health expert, athlete, & producer), have spent the last four and a half years honing their MC and production skills through long nights fueled by vast quantities of Goji Berries, Cacao drinks, and other herbal substances.

(L to R: MC Wide Load, Rawd, Verb Spitta)

Their most recent achievement is the album entitled "Flavor Emergency", and it lives up to it's name tenfold.

These gracious young efficianatos disseminate all of their music for free through their website Omega3PhattyAcids.com, and one would truly act the fool not to download their albums immediately.